Citizen Laboratory: How can Libraries and Community Centres become spaces of democratic participation? Citizen Forum Framework
Desinformação, Participação Democrática, Bibliotecas Públicas, Laboratório CidadãoSinopse
The CLAD project - Citizens and Libraries Against Disinformation is anchored in transnational cooperation. The two countries – Portugal and Slovakia – have specific needs in relation to countering fake news and dis/mis-information, combined with a commonality of experiences and needs from which to establish common ground. The problems we are seeking to solve in CLAD are not restricted to the individual countries, but are European, as well as global, concerns. They therefore need tackling at a European level. This project will combine the expertise of the partners to build scalable solutions which can have an impact beyond their individual borders. In addition, the project is coordinated by Goethe Institut, an international organisation with representation across the EU as well as globally, and which is experienced in engaging with, and disseminating to, networks and partners across Europe.
This Citizen Forum framework is built upon the good practices established in these and other initiatives, and aims to develop a guideline for the proposed activities that will take place in the following work packages. The guiding question for this is: How can libraries and community centres become spaces of democratic participation?
European Commission (2018.05.12). Action Plan against Disinformation. Joint communication to the European Parliament, The European Council, The Council, The European Economic and Social Committee And The Committee Of The Regions. and Factsheet:
European Commission (2022). 2022 Strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation.
European Commission (2022). EU Citizenship Report 2020: Empowering citizens and protecting their rights.
Barros, F., Kish, I., Moltmann, L. and Silvestre, S., Rough Guide to Citizen Engagement in Public Libraries, Quaglia, A. and Martinho Guimaraes Pires Pereira, A. editor(s), Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, ISBN 978-92-76-60599-7, doi:10.2760/957683, JRC132175


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