The bibliographic information of electronic documents


  • Catherine Lupovici


The bibliographic information is value added information to primary documents created to facilitate information retrieval and document access. The extension of the classical Library catalogues, data bases and archival findings aids functions to the electronic documents handling is to provide a link to the document itself. For this purpose the MARC formats are introducing a specific field to handle the linking information. At the same time other approaches are tested by different users communities to add the bibliographic value added information into the electronic document itself to enhance the search and access functionality of the documents data bases. This approach uses the electronic document format itself. Such are the Dublin Core metadata approach based on HTML, the Text Encoding initiative (TEI)  approach for electronic documents in humanities and linguistic arena based on SGML. TEI is also applied in the cultural heritage document conversion domain with the creation of DTDs for the single document or for a collection of documents. All this projects and approaches are contributing to build the future of digital libraries and archives.

Biografia Autor

Catherine Lupovici

Jouve Systêmes d’Information


