A Collection of Open Access Stratified Data for Bibliometric Analysis





Open Access, Scientific Production, Scientific Collaboration, Lattes Platform


In the current context, studies on scientific data have attracted the interest of researchers from different areas of knowledge, given their potential to better understand how research in a given area has been carried out, or how groups of researchers have collaborated in the development of Your jobs. Therefore, the need to make data available for analysis becomes evident, mainly in open and structured formats. The importance of understanding large datasets, which in general are not easily available, is highlighted, making most studies limited to small datasets, or dependent on the repositories in which they are stored. Therefore, this work describes a set of stratified data containing information about individuals with resumes registered in the Lattes Platform and who have completed their doctorate. The work also presents a quantitative description of the collected data, as well as a general description of the available data sets.


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How to Cite

Dias, T. M. R., & Patrícia Mascarenhas Dias. (2022). A Collection of Open Access Stratified Data for Bibliometric Analysis. Cadernos BAD, (1-2). https://doi.org/10.48798/cadernosbad.2808