Metadata standards used in virtual learning object repositories


  • Edilson Leite Silva UFCG e UFPB
  • Marckson Roberto Ferreira de Sousa PPGCI/UFPB



The repositories of virtual learning objects are important digital informational spaces in the teaching and learning process, allowing the storage, access, use and sharing of digital educational resources, free of charge. In this context, it is essential that repositories adopt metadata standards to facilitate access to resources by teachers and students, their main users. In this context, the objective of this proposal is to verify the metadata patterns used by a set of Virtual Learning Objects Repositories, for the description of the digital educational resources made available in them. It is an exploratory research and quantitative approach. The results showed that most repositories surveyed do not use metadata in accordance with internationally recommended and/or accepted standards. It is concluded that it is essential that the Repositories of Virtual Learning Objects, adopt international standards of metadata in the description of educational resources, in order to facilitate the access, use and sharing of the resources they make available.


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How to Cite

Silva, E. L., & Sousa, M. R. F. de . (2022). Metadata standards used in virtual learning object repositories. Cadernos BAD, (1-2).