GO FAIR Brazil Health: actions and realizations in 2020/2021

ações e realizações em 2020/2021


  • Viviane Veiga Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
  • Simone Faury Dib Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
  • Erick Penedo Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
  • Claudete Fernandes de Queiroz Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
  • Patrícia Henning Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro




GOFAIR Brasil Saúde, Fiocruz, Dados abertos, Gestão de dados


This text presents the GO FAIR Brazil Health Implementation Network, one of the branches of the Brazilian Network of the international GO FAIR initiative. It provides a brief historical context and presents an account of its main actions and achievements in the period 2020/2021. It reports its objectives, presents its 4 working groups, the Training WG, Ontologies WG, Metadata and Platforms WG and Policy WG with their respective functions. It lists its participation and coordination in events and ends with a list of the main publications related to the topic, which were published by its members and coordination of the GO FAIR Brazil Health Network.


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Iniciativa GO FAIR. [Consult. 23 Ago. 2021]. Disponível na Internet: https://www.go-fair.org/>.

Escritório do GO FAIR Brasil. [Consult. 23 Ago. 2021]. Disponível na Internet: https://www.go-fair.org/go-fair-initiative/go-fair-offices/go-fair-brazil-office/>.

Rede de Implementação GO FAIR Brasil Saúde. [Consult. 23 Ago. 2021]. Disponível na Internet: https://portal.fiocruz.br/go-fair-brasil-saude>.

Sub-rede GO FAIR Brasil Saúde Enfermagem. [Consult. 23 Ago. 2021]. Disponível na Internet: http://www.unirio.br/ccbs/eeap/go-fair-brasil-saude-enfermagem>.



How to Cite

Veiga, V. ., Faury Dib, S., Erick Penedo, Fernandes de Queiroz, C. ., & Henning, P. . (2022). GO FAIR Brazil Health: actions and realizations in 2020/2021: ações e realizações em 2020/2021. Cadernos BAD, (1-2). https://doi.org/10.48798/cadernosbad.2788

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