A Citation-Based Study of Articles Published in Open Access Journal





Citation Analysis, Open Access, Lattes Platform, Bibliometric


Scientific communication is characterized as an important mechanism for the dissemination of research results in different areas of knowledge. In this context, scientific articles are characterized as the main elements for the description of the studies carried out and, consequently, of the results obtained. Several bibliometric studies have carried out analyzes on scientific articles and their impacts, considering for this, several widely used metrics. Therefore, this work aims to present an overview of the citations that articles published in open access journals have received over the years, considering the areas of activity of their authors. As a data source for this study, data recorded in the curricula registered in the Lattes Platform are used.


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How to Cite

Patrícia Mascarenhas Dias, Dias, T. M. R., & Gray Farias Moita. (2022). A Citation-Based Study of Articles Published in Open Access Journal. Cadernos BAD, (1-2). https://doi.org/10.48798/cadernosbad.2807